Blue Balls: Cornwall’s Cold Water Swimming Group for Men
In 2021, two friends, Ross and Tom started Blue Balls Cornwall. They hope that it will encourage more men to take the plunge and discover the mental and physical benefits that swimming in cold water can have.
Chill UK and their mission to introduce prescription cold water swimming
It’s no secret that cold water swimming has a huge number of health benefits. Many people in the UK have been using it as a means to regulate physical and emotional health for some time, which begs the question – why isn’t it offered on the NHS as an alternative to prescription medication and therapy?
Mental Health Swims: Fighting Stigma Through Cold Water and Community
Mental Health Swims was founded by Rachel Ashe in 2019, after she discovered that cold water and community had a huge positive impact on her mental health. Now, Rachel wants everyone to be able to access these benefits. With the support of volunteers, Mental Health Swims holds monthly swimming meet ups around the country so that others can feel supported and welcomed in their own cold water swimming journey.