The #selfcareswims Challenge for Mind UK

The #selfcareswims challenge takes place throughout October 2020

The #selfcareswims challenge takes place throughout October 2020

Next week is Mental Health Awareness Week and we've been working with NHS Cornwall to promote the mental health benefits of wild swimming.

We've also decided to launch our #selfcareswims campaign during October to try and raise money for Mind UK. We'd like to ask you to help us by completing the challenge and having a bit of fun, all whilst investing in your own self-care!

With over one in four people experiencing a mental health problem in the UK, the need for good quality mental health support, advice and information is vital. Here's how you can help:

The #selfcareswims challenge

  • Go for a wild swim

  • Post the swims to your social media using the #selfcareswims hashtag and tag four friends to nominate them (don't forget to tag Wild Swimming Cornwall too!)

  • Donate £5 to Mind UK here.

Our aim is to raise £500 by getting 100 of you involved. If we can raise more than that and introduce some new people to wild swimming in the process that would be a bonus! 

Please spread the word and help us to support our local community.

If you’d like to learn more about the benefits of wild swimming, you can do so here

To learn about safety, head to the RNLI website or our safety page

Please check our swim responsibility statement.

With love and warm wishes,

Lydia, Bethany and Max x

*Studies show that we start experiencing the full benefits of cold water immersion when we spend at least two minutes in the water. However, safety comes first so if you feel the need to exit the water sooner, do so. 


The Importance of Resistance: Understanding the Mind when Faced with Cold Water


Ed Accura (Part 2): The Black Swimming Association